How Ready Mix Concrete Can Help You in Saving Time


Since the invention of concrete, the industry always looks for something that saves their time and makes construction easy and fast. Ready Mix concrete has helped the construction contractors with this.

ready-mix concrete

The Building Procedure

The process of making concrete to use in a certain type of construction work is a time-consuming matter. It requires mixing concrete, sand, cement and water in specific ratios to get a desired shape and form. Then the entire mixture has to be poured on the mould which allows it to take the correct form. The main disadvantage of this process is, it consumes a lot of time which can delay the entire construction project.

Ready Mix Concrete Saves Time

This is a premixed product which has the desired ratios of all the elements. You need to contact your concrete supplier to discuss your needs. They will supply you the right type of ready mix concrete after checking the tensile strength, compressive strength, characteristic strength and unit weight of the concrete.

This provides you not only with an outstanding concrete mix, but peace of mind as well. You will be sure about the quality products you are getting as well as you feel happy to save time.

The supplier will deliver the ready mix concrete at your construction site. Latest techniques and unique methods are applied to pump concrete into the place where you want it.

Companies like Cobra Concrete Ltd. offer prompt barrowing service to get your ready mix concrete from the truck to your location as fast as possible.

Benefits of Ready Mix Concrete

Apart from its time-saving feature, ready mix concrete has other benefits too. It reduces construction waste because of centralised mixing by the manufacturers. Its high quality and versatility make the product appropriate for a range of construction works. If you have space issues in your construction site, then ready mix concrete will be a great help.

cobra concrete supplier

Contact Cobra Concrete Ltd. for all the details related to our ready mix concrete supply. We have vast experience in concrete supply and preparation.

Using Ready Mix Concrete? Know The Common Types And Advantages


Visit any reputed concrete supplier and they will let you choose from a wide variety of concrete mixes. Understand the needs of your construction project and you can choose the right type of concrete mix. Recently, there has been an increase in the demand for ready mix concrete. It is a type of customised concrete manufactured in factories or a batching plant. The supplier will understand your concrete needs and manufacture the material according to your required specifications. After the concrete mix is prepared in the factory, it is taken to the worksite in transit mixers.

ready mix concrete

Millions of construction workers and builders all over the world prefer ready mix concrete. The material is very durable and sustainable. It is always advisable to choose a reputed supplier offering this concrete variety. You can rest assured that the mixture prepared is precise and of high quality. Some concrete suppliers even use this concrete manufacturing method to make various concrete mixes efficiently. They have high versatility and multiple applications.

3 Types Of Ready Mix Concrete

  • Transit Mixed Concrete – It is also known as dry-batched concrete. It is prepared by putting all the ingredients and water directly into the truck mixer. The mixer drum revolves at high speed when the material is loaded. It revolves at a normal speed until the concrete is delivered at the construction site.
  • Shrink Mixed Concrete – The initial concrete mixing takes place in the plant mixer. The rest of the mixing is done during transit in the truck-mounted drum mixer. The amount of mixing required in the transit mixer is dependent on how much mixing was done in the central mixing plant.
  • Central Mixed Concrete – This ready mix concrete variety is completely mixed before loading it into the truck mixer. The primary task of the truck mixer is to act as an agitator while transporting the concrete. Some suppliers even use non-agitating trucks if the project requires concrete with less workability.
concrete suppliers

3 Advantages Of Using Ready Mix Concrete

  • Reputed concrete suppliers of ready mix concrete use consistent methods and sophisticated equipment when manufacturing the material.
  • The material is tested on various parameters before delivering them to the construction site.
  • The mechanised operations in a ready mix concrete plant speed up the construction practices.

Since you are now aware of the common types and benefits of ready mix concrete, it’s time you start looking for a reputed supplier in your city.

Choose Quality Ready Mix Concrete


If you are looking for affordable construction material, choose concrete. The production cost of the cement is comparatively low so you can buy it without exceeding your construction budget. It can also harden at ambient temperature and cast into a shape you want. It also has excellent water resistance characteristics. Though concrete has so much to offer, there are still a few builders who have not approached a concrete supplier yet. They believe that the material is prone to discolouration. Though it is not entirely wrong, visit the right concrete supplier and you don’t have to worry about discolouration.

concrete discolouration

What Is Concrete Discolouration?

For someone not aware of the term, concrete discolouration occurs when the surface of a concrete structure develops non-uniform colour. There might be mottled discolouration or deep blotches. The colour change can deteriorate the appeal of a structure so make sure you use quality concrete to make it. The colour change can also occur when cement is not mixed in the right proportion. 

What Causes Discolouration Of Concrete?

It will become easier for you to deal with concrete discolouration if you are aware of the various reasons which cause it. When concrete is prepared in batches while making a structure, the source of cement or fine aggregate might change which can bring a change in placement sequence. Though this can cause concrete discolouration, it is very rare and insignificant. When you hydrate cement to a great extent, they become a bit lighter in shade. This effect can also occur due to insufficient mixing time or inconsistent use of admixtures. If you notice a greenish or yellowish tint has appeared on the concrete, it is an indication that the material contains ground slag. You can expect the shade to vanish over time. Generally, concrete discolouration does not occur due to a single factor.

Tips To Prevent Discolouration Of Concrete

  • Avoid using cement with high alkali content if you want to reduce the chances of discolouration.
  • Limit the quantity of calcium chloride or chloride-bearing chemical admixtures you are adding with concrete as it is considered to be the primary reason behind concrete discolouration.
  • The condition, kind or type of formwork you are using when building a concrete structure can also impact its surface colour.
  • Concrete suppliers in Croydon avoid trowel burning the concrete as hard trowelling the material can densify the surface and lead to dark discolouration.
  • Unprofessional curing of concrete can also lead to discolouration as uneven curing impacts the degree of cement hydration.
Concrete suppliers in Croydon

How To Minimise Discolouration Of Concrete Slab?

Since discolouration of concrete has a negative impact on the appeal of a structure, your focus should always be on minimising or preventing it. Concrete suppliers always recommend adding proper protection to prevent the concrete from drying due to sun or wind, moisten absorptive subgrades and follow the right curing procedures. 

5 Significant Advantages of Buying Ready-Mix Concrete


People who are involved in some kind of construction projects may find it easy to buy the sacks of concrete and mix it up on their own. Especially if this is a small job of construction, then this is the best solution in most of the cases. However, the use of ready-mix concrete is a better idea to obtain a more efficient service. If you are confused about choosing the right type of concrete in Surrey, you should be aware of the advantages of ready-mix accredited concrete.

ready mix concrete Surrey

Key Benefits of Ready-Mix Concrete Is Revealed

High Quality is Guaranteed

Ready-mix concrete is widely recognized in the construction industry for its high quality. It meets specific standard requirements for safety and durability when you use it in a construction site. Whether you use it for big construction or something minimal; the result will be robust and durable without any doubt.

Consistency Is Superior

Ready-mix concrete is known for offering the ultimate consistency that you always wish to achieve for your construction project. Without proper consistency, it would be difficult to gain the best result out of any concrete work. Hence, you need to use the product that can offer you the same. Mixing various batches of concrete to obtain that desired level of consistency is a time-consuming and daunting task. Besides, the result is not always satisfactory. The ready-mix concrete will save you in this situation.

Achieve High Speed of Construction

Ready-mix concrete always offers you high-speed of construction. Since you do not need to mix each batch of concrete separately, you can save a significant amount of time. Hence, the entire construction project can be finished within the shortest time possible.

Environment-Friendly Product

The mixing method is efficient, and it reduces the dust-pollution level in the air to a great extent. Cement and waste production can be kept under control in your construction site when you choose ready-mix concrete over the other types. Besides, it is easy to transport from one place to the other without increasing the pollution level. This eco-friendly nature of ready-mix concrete makes it one of the most favourite of the modern construction companies, civil engineers and the building experts.

concrete supplier

Ready-Mix Concrete Meets the Regulations

In the UK, the regulations of the National House Building Council state that all concrete used in building new homes must meet the standard set by BSI. It is necessary to satisfy the building regulations without any flaw. The aim is to ensure the safety of the buildings and keep them long-lasting. All the government building must use the accredited concrete in Surrey and no other variations. 

With such a long list of advantages, it becomes evident that clients belong to the construction industry love to buy ready-mix concrete for their upcoming and ongoing projects. This is a wise investment for them.

Cobra Concrete Ltd. provides high-quality concrete to companies, as well as individual users. We are available in and around London including part of Surrey. Our concrete is not only best in quality, but we can promise you competitive pricing and highly supporting customer service. Please get in touch with us for more information.

Know The Differences Between Site-Mixed And Ready Mix Concrete


Concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials as it is durable and affordable. The production cost of cement used to make concrete is also quite low. The material hardens at room temperature and gains its strength. Fresh concrete is flowable and can be cast into any shape. You can adjust the mix and cast them into complex shapes at construction sites.

Since concrete has so many unique qualities, you can use it for a wide variety of projects without worrying about its cost. Just make sure you choose the right concrete variety which suits your construction project needs and budget. Two concrete varieties which are widely used are site-mixed concrete and ready-mix concrete. You can choose the right material for your project if you know the differences between them.

4 Differences Between Site-Mixed And Ready Mix Concrete

  • Preparation

The primary difference between volumetric and ready-mix concrete is the method through which the ingredients are mixed and the concrete prepared. The former is prepared at the client’s construction site by the labourers. If you want to avoid quality issues, make sure the ingredients are mixed in proper proportions. Ready mix concrete, on the other hand, is manufactured at a plant and delivered in a ready-to-use state to the construction site. Concrete suppliers sell them in volume and measure them in cubic meters.

  • Time Taken

Since the preparation process differs, the time taken to prepare volumetric and ready-mix concrete is also different. If you have undertaken a large size project, its speed is a vital thing to consider. Since you can load and off-load ready mix concrete easily, you can save a lot of time. Preparing site-mixed concrete is very time-consuming and there are high chances for your project to get delayed.

  • Equipment

The equipment used to prepare both the concrete varieties also differ. One of the equipment you will definitely need if you want to prepare volumetric concrete at the construction site is batch mixers. Whether you rent the equipment or buy one, you have to spend a few pounds. The best alternative is to approach a reputed supplier of ready mix concrete in Croydon. Since this concrete variety is delivered in a ready-to-use state to the construction site, you don’t need any equipment to prepare them.

  • Convenience

If convenience is your priority when working on a construction project, choose ready-mix concrete instead of site-mixed concrete. You can handle it with convenience, irrespective of the size of your project. You can also deliver it to multiple locations with ease. Volumetric concrete, on the other hand, should be mixed near the point of use to avoid any type of contamination. You also need controlled storage spaces when storing them.

Since you now know the basic differences between site-mixed and ready mix concrete, it’s time you choose one and approach a reputed concrete supplier.

How To Use Ready Mix Concrete For Your Project During Winter?


Do you have a construction project coming up this winter season? But, with the cold weather outside making things more complicated, are you perplexed about what to do? Well, even though the cold season isn’t ideal for concrete, you can turn things in your favour. Are you wondering how? Well, all you need to do is approach the best suppliers of ready mix concrete in Croydon. Trust us; they can protect your concrete from the damage of cold weather.

How To Use Ready Mix Concrete

Pouring concrete in winter season is inevitable for contractors who have to work in colder climates. The material loses its durability, weather resistance and comprehensive strength if it freezes during the pouring and setting process. And, only the concrete suppliers and contactors protect the material from the damage of cold weather. This means that if your project requires pouring concrete during the winter months, you need to approach the experts.

The Winter Mix

As the weather gets colder, concrete suppliers will heat the material during the mixing process. The extra heat accounts for the expected drop in temperature during an average one-hour delivery in the winter season. This heat will prevent concrete from cracking, freezing and losing its comprehensive strength in the cold climate. Leading suppliers of ready mix concrete in Croydon also provide customers with the warmest possible on-site concrete.

Even the concrete mix matters to the overall project. Depending on the outside temperature and your project requirements, the suppliers will adjust the mix. This will help in pouring the concrete well and setting quickly in the winter weather.

Addition Of The Accelerators

Adding accelerators to the mix speeds up the concrete setting time as well as allow it to cure faster. Also, this prevents the concrete from freezing and experiencing any frost damage. Moreover, accelerators help in speeding up the finishing phase. The less time it takes for project completion, the better the quality of the finished product.

Water-Reducing Additives

Water-reducing additives create a higher-density paste of cement. This results in more weather-resistant and stronger qualities in the concrete.

Avoiding Fly Ash

Do you plan to expose the cement to de-icing chemicals once it cures? If so, you will want to reduce or avoid the amount of fly ash that’s added to the mix. This is because; fly ash can lead to scaling or peeling of the surface when exposed to de-icing chemicals.

Pouring Concrete In Cold Weather

Even though winter isn’t the ideal time to pour concrete, it’s possible to pour the concrete well enough. By taking just a few steps, concreting can result in a long-lasting, strong product in the cold season. To protect your poured material from damages, you need to remember certain rules. These include-

·         Never pour concrete on ice, snow or frozen ground

·         All protrusions and corners must be triple wrapped

·         In case the ground is frozen, thaw it for two days by using blankets and heat pipes

·         Cover the material until it cures completely So what are you still thinking of? Approach a reliable concrete supplier and get started with your construction project!

4 Situations When You Should Opt For Ready Mix Concrete

If you are planning your next concrete project, the first thing you need to do is approach an experienced concrete supplier. It is a very durable and low-maintenance construction material which helps in providing thermal mass and reduces the energy consumption of buildings. There are numerous concrete suppliers scattered all over Bromley. Look for one utilising the latest machinery and techniques to pump ready mix concrete into places where you need it. There are a few situations when using ready mix concrete, becomes necessary and you can complete your complicated construction project fast.

Opt For Ready Mix Concrete

Few Situations When Opting For Ready Mix Concrete Becomes Necessary

·   Require Customised Product

You can easily customise the mix of cement to other ingredients as ready mixed concrete is generally manufactured by concrete suppliers at a batch plant as and when required. Though you can use dry concrete when customisation is required, the level of customisation offered by local suppliers of ready mix concrete is always more. Customised concrete can be put to various uses on a construction site so you can get better value for money.

·   Volume Is Required

If you are planning to undertake a large construction project, opting for ready mix concrete is highly advisable as dry concrete is only suitable for small projects. You will require a bulk amount of concrete when building a yard. You can also save a few money, by opting for ready mix concrete instead of dry concrete for large projects. The easiest way to conduct a price comparison is by visiting your local concrete supplier.

· Consistency Has To Be Maintained

You have to add water with dry cement for every batch. It becomes a challenge for construction workers to get consistent batches and complete concrete work to the highest standards. If you are undertaking a project where you have to maintain a specific concrete texture (also known as a concrete slump test), opt for ready mix concrete. Renowned suppliers of ready mix concrete in Bromley use advanced scales and equipment while making large batches of ready mix concrete with identical consistency. You will get concrete of consistent quality even if you require several batches.

·   Time Is Vital

Everyone in the construction industry is aware of the importance of time, irrespective of the size of your project. Construction workers have to mix dry cement on site before placing the material. They have to open all the bags containing cement and mix water in the right quantity. This made the process very time-consuming. Ready mix concrete, on the other hand, can be delivered to be laid on sites efficiently and without wasting your time and effort. Since you are now aware of the various situations when opting for ready mix concrete becomes necessary, it’s time you start looking for a renowned supplier in Bromley and reap all the benefits offered by this concrete variety.

3 Types Of Ready Mix Concrete Used During Construction

The easiest way to take advantage of the concrete technology is by going for ready mix concrete. They are nowadays being widely used for various domestic and commercial construction projects. Just make sure you have chosen the right material by enhancing your knowledge about the different grades of concrete. The grades are generally dependent on the composition and strength of the concrete. The best thing to do is have a talk with the supplier of ready mix concrete in Surrey and they will let you know the various types of concretes available and the benefits offered by them.

ready mix concrete Surrey

Need Ready Mix Concrete For Your Construction Project? Know Their Varieties

· Transit Mixed Concrete

They are also known as dry-batched concrete as the supplier providing it feed all the basic ingredients used to prepare this concrete variety including water into the truck mixer. While the materials are being loaded into the mixer, the drum revolves at a very charging speed. The mixer drum rotates at the normal agitating speed after all the materials have been loaded into it. Transit mixed concrete is further divided into three varieties. They are concrete mixed at the job site, concrete mixed in transit and concrete mixed in the yard.

· Shrink Mixed Concrete

This concrete variety is mixed in two parts. It is first put in the plant mixer and then the rest of the mixing is done in the truck-mounted drum mixer. How long will the concrete stay in the transit mixer is dependent on how long it has been in the central mixing plant. Concrete suppliers conduct tests to determine the amount of mixing required in the plant mixer and the truck-mounted drum mixer.

· Central Mixed Concrete

The concrete is fed into central-mixing concrete batch plants for mixing before being discharged into the truck mixer. These batch plants consist of a stationary, plant-mounted mixer. Central-mix plants are also known as pre-mix or wet batch plants. The truck mixer acts as the agitating haul unit during central mix operations. For low slump and mass concrete pours, suppliers sometimes use dump trucks.  Since you are now aware of the various types of ready mix concrete supplied, it’s time you choose one according to your construction project requirements and approach a reliable concrete supplier in Surrey.

Why Choose Ready-Mix Concrete Over On-Site Mix For Your Project?

Is a domestic or commercial construction project coming up? Need high-quality concrete delivered to your site, mixed professionally and on-time? Getting ready-mix concrete supplied to your site by reputed concrete suppliers in Surrey can be your most informed decision. Wondering why you should use ready-mix instead of on-site machine mix? Read on.

Ready-Mix Concrete

Whether you are laying foundations or a shed base for new-build homes, whatever the case is, you will want a high-quality grade of concrete for your job. Choosing ready mixed concrete over machine mix is preferred by most contractors owing to many reasons. Ready-mix concrete is easy to pour and offers the perfect mix of efficiency, crucial to all kinds of construction projects. Having concrete delivered in bulk and ready to pour is ideal for every construction project.

Listed below are a few reasons to choose ready mixed material for your project.

4 Reasons To Choose Ready-Mix Concrete From The Best Concrete Suppliers In Surrey Over Machine Mix

1. Ensures High-Quality Concrete

One of the major reasons most contractors prefer ready mixed concrete is the assurance of premium quality material. With traditional material, controlling the exact water-to-cement ratio as well as the grading of aggregates is almost possible with traditional concrete. On the other hand, when you approach leading ready-mix concrete suppliers, the material comes with guaranteed quality. Ready-mix concrete boasts of a consistent quality since it is produced under controlled conditions.

2. Saves Construction Time

With machine mix concrete, you will have to order the ingredients for purchasing and stacking them on your job site from beforehand. At times, getting the job done becomes difficult since the required materials are not supplied on time. In contrast, ready mixed concrete can save you from such hassles since it’s professionally handled by the suppliers. Pre-mixed at plants and then delivered to your site, they save the mixture preparation time and reduce the time of development.

3. Lowers Cost

On-site material production involves the costs of manual labour, transportation of ingredients, concrete mixing machinery and equipment, which are costly in comparison to ready-mix concrete. On the contrary, ready mixed concrete reduces the number of labour required for mixing the raw materials and preparation of mix at the site. This way, having concrete delivered to your site from concrete suppliers in Surrey can save you a large amount of money.

4. Saves Storage Space

Finding great storage space for the raw materials of your construction project is not only challenging but also an expensive affair. You will even have to set up machinery on your site for the smooth transition of your project. In such a situation, finding space to stack concrete ingredients becomes more difficult. Ordering ready mixed concrete is the preferred option of many since it saves contractors from on-site storage. So, don’t you think ready mix concrete is a better option in comparison to site mix? Quickly find the best concrete supplier and kick-start your construction project!

How Concrete Suppliers In Croydon Prepare Ready Mix Concrete?

Everyone in the construction industry is aware of the importance of ready mix concrete. It is made using Portland cement, water, sand and crushed stone or gravel. A uniform concrete mass is produced when various components are mixed. Just approach an experienced concrete supplier and you don’t have to worry about the quality of the ready mix concrete you are going for your construction project.

concrete suppliers in Croydon

How Is Concrete Produced?

The silos found in a ready-mix concrete plant comprise of sand, cement, gravel and additives like plasticizers. All these components are blended together during the mixing phase. The power of gravity is used to feed the components into the preparation bin. Concrete suppliers administer the formulation carefully which helps in maintaining the quality of the concrete.

Not only is water added precisely but is consistently and continuously mixed with the concrete. A centralised computer is used to accommodate all the constraints and automate the concrete plants and ensure their reliability during the manufacturing process. The prepared concrete is then loaded into a mixer truck or transit mixer before being delivered to the construction site.

Few Raw Materials Used To Prepare Ready Mix Concrete

  • Aggregates

A majority of the ready-mix concrete mixture is made using aggregates obtained from aggregate banks and quarries. High-quality aggregates are used to ensure the durability of the structure made using concrete in Croydon.

  • Additives

The additive mixed with ready mix concrete is either liquid or solid chemical substances which are added during or before the concrete is prepared. The additives help in reducing the water content of the concrete, increases its durability or minimises the setting time.

  • Water

This is a very vital fluid mixed with the concrete. A chemical reaction occurs when water comes in contact with the cement.

  • Cement

The resistance of the concrete is largely dependent on the quality of the cement mixed while preparing it. Since the focus of renowned concrete suppliers in Croydon is on increasing the resistance power of the material, they always try to use high-grade cement.

How Is Ready Mix Concrete Produced?

After the concrete is produced, the various components are mixed to form a uniform mass of concrete. The mixing time is dependent on the type of ready mix concrete you are looking for. Concrete suppliers register the time from the moment water is put inside the cement mixer with the other materials and the mixer starts rotating. You will be surprised to know that the cement mixer keeps on revolving at a speed of two to six rotations per minute while the concrete is being transported to the site.

Since you now know how ready mix concrete is prepared, it’s time you start looking for a renowned concrete supplier offering it at a price which suits the budget of your construction project.